Lin-Hua Lu Office : Room 1117, Hong-Yue technology Research Building <Lab Introduction> |
研究領域 Research Area
- 科技與創新管理(Strategic Management of Technological)
- 集團與家族治理 (Group and Family Business Governance)
- 組織理論與策略 (The Theory and Strategy of Organization)
學歷 Education
- 國立成功大學企業管理博士 企業管理博士
Ph.D. in Business Administration, National Cheng Kung University, 2013
學術經歷 Academic Appointments
- 副教授 Associate Professor , 2021/02~
台北科技大學經營管理系, 台北市, 台灣
National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan - 助理教授 Assistant Professor , 2016/08~2021/01
台北科技大學經營管理系, 台北市, 台灣
National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan - 博士後研究員Postdoctoral Research Fellow
National University of Singapore, Singapore - 財務管理師 Financial Administrator
日月光半導體財務會計處, 台灣
ASE Technology Holding Co., Ltd, Taiwan - 會計室組員Officer of Accounting Office
Shu-Zen Junior College of Medicine and Management, Taiwan
國際期刊論文發表 Publications in International Journals
- Lu, L.H. & Huang, Y.F., (2020). “The differentiated and ambidextrous influence of network flexibility on exploratory and exploitative partnership formations.”. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 50(6),577-599. [SSCI Impact factor: 4.744; Q1 in Management]
- Lu, L.H. & Wong, P.K. (2019). “Performance feedback, financial slack and the innovation behavior of firms.”. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 36(4),1079-1109. [SSCI Impact factor: 3.064; Q2 in Management]
- Lu, L.H.& Huang, Y.F. (2019). “Manufacturing strategy, organizational slack and the formation of interfirm linkages.”. Chinese Management Studies, 13(1), 70-92. [SSCI Impact factor: 1.036; Q4 in Management]
- Lu, L.H. & Fang, S. C. (2013). “Problematic search, slack search and institutional logic in corporate R&D strategy– An empirical analysis of Taiwanese Electronics Firms.”. Journal of Management & Organization, 19(6), 659-678. [SSCI Impact factor: 1.935; Q3 in Management]
國際研討會論文發表 International Conference Presentation
- “Is CEO Turnover Sensitive to Firm Performance? An Informativeness Perspective.”, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada, 2020.
- “The Ambidextrous Influence of Network Flexibility on Alliance Formations.”, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada,2020.
- “Socioemotional Bond between Professional Managers and Controlling Shareholders”, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2019,.
- “The Heterogeneity of Ownership Structure and the Involvement of Independent Directors in Innovation”, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2019.
- “Different modes of performance feedback, ownership structure on diversification in family firms.”, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2018.
- “Exploring the relationship between performance feedback, owernship structure, and outside directors in family business divesification strategy.”, ICBASS, KYOTO, 2018.
- “The Socioemotional Weal Th Perspective on The Effect of Different Modes of Performance Feedback, Pyramid ownership Structures On Corporate Diversification In Family Firms.”, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management ,Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2018.
- “Foreign Market Entry in Family Business: The Effects of Performance Feedback and Socioemotional Wealth Configuration.”, With Gu Qian, Songcui Hu, Strategic Management Society (SMS) 27th Annual Conference in Houston, USA, 2017.
- “Supply chain flexibility and the subsequent alliance formations.”, Management in the digital era, Prague,2017.
- “Strategic Selection and the Moderating Role of Slack Allocation on Firm’s Interfirm Linkage Portfolio.”, With Tang Shiao-Yen and Huang Yi-Fen, International Conference on Business, Big-Data, and Decision Sciences, 2017.
- “The configuration approach of capability renewal, slack and the selection of alliance linkage.”, With Tang Shiao-Yen and Huang Yi-Fen, Asia Academy of International Business, Guangzhou, China, 2016
- “Efficiency or Flexibility, Organizational Slack and the Formation of Interfirm Linkages.”, With Huang Yi-Fen, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, USA, 2016
- “The Complexity of Agency Problems in Public Family Business and Its Implications for Performance.”, With GU, Q, IACMR, Hangzhou, China, 2016.
- “Exploring the S-curve Relationship between the Ambidexterity Innovation and Firm Performance.”, With Gu Qian, Xia Jun and Poh-Kam Wong, Strategic Management Society, Denver, USA, 2015.
- “Efficiency and Effectiveness, Organizational Slack and the Interfirm Linkage Portfolio.”, With Huang Yi-Fen, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management in, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2014.
- “Exploring the Performance Implication of Multi-Agency Problems among Public Family Businesses”, With Gu Qian, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management in Orlando, Florida, USA, 2013.
- “Supply Chain Capability, Organizational Slack and the Subsequent Selection of an Alliance Strategy”, With Yi-Fen, Huang, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2013.
- “Financial Slack, Board Composition and the Explorative and Exploitative Innovation of Firms”, With Wong P.K., Annual Meeting of Academy of Management in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2012.
- “Problematic search, slack search and institutional logic in R&D investment.”, With Fang Shih Chieh, Journal of Management & Organization ,2012.
- “The Effect of Performance Feedback and Financial Slack on the Explorative and Exploitative Innovation Behavior of Firms.”, With Wong P.K & Fang S.C., Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2011.
- “Problemistic search and slack search in R&D investment: An empirical study from an emerging economy”, with Huang, Y.F. & Yan, C.Y., Annual Meeting of Asia Academy of Management, Macau, 2010.
- “The effect of slack resources on exploration and exploitation.”, with Fang, S.C., Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, USA, 2008.
- “Organizational slack as a moderator during innovation and business S.C.”, AIB Asia Regional Conference, Hangzhou, China, 2007.
- Program Chair, AAOM in Macau, Session 7: R&D 1,2010
專題演講 Other Public Presentation
- 科技部管理一學門研究成果邀請分享
國科會計畫 MOST Projects
- 109 年度科技部計劃: 歡迎成為我的家族成員,甚麼時候是最好的時機點呢?執行期間: 2020/08/01~2021/07/31)
- 108 年度科技部計劃: 股權結構與獨立董事設置對研發行為之影響(執行期間: 2019/08/01~2020/07/31)
- 107 年度科技部技劃:探討不同績效回饋以及股權結構對家族企業多角化策略的影響--以社會情感財富(SEW)觀點(執行期間: 2018/8/1-2019/7/31)
- 106 年度科技部計劃: 探討專業經理人與家族控制對股權結構與組織績效之影響(執行期間:2017/8/1-2018/7/31)
- 106年度科技部計劃:探討董事會結構及其統治權力對組織研發行為選擇之調節效果(執行期間:2017/1/1-2017/12/31)
論文審查 Professional Activities
- Reviewer, Journal of Management & Organization
- Reviewer, Journal of Business Research
- Reviewer, Technology forecasting and social change
- Reviewer, Asia Pacific Journal of Management
- Reviewer, 科技管理期刊
- Reviewer, 商略學報
- Reviewer, 管理學報
- Reviewer, Academy of Management Annual Meeting
學術榮譽 Academic Honors
- 榮獲104學年度國科會補助博士後赴國外研究(千里馬計畫),赴新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore)。
- 榮獲99學年度國科會補助博士生赴國外研究(千里馬計畫),赴新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore)
- 榮獲 2011 美國學術管理年會科技管理組學生論文優等決選提名, 授予獎牌一面(2011 AOM TIM Division Best Paper and Best Student Paper Award Finalist)。
- 榮獲 2012 美國學術管理年會科技管理組最佳論文 (2012 AOM TIM Division Best Paper Proceedings)。
- 榮獲 2013 美國學術管理年會企業策略組最佳論文 (2013 AOM BPS Division Best Paper Proceedings)。
- Gu, Q., Shen, W., & Lu, L.H. Is CEO Turnover Sensitive to Firm Performance? An Informativeness Perspective. AOM Best Papers Proceedings, 2020 STR. (大會收錄)
- Huang, Y.F., Lu, L.H, & Tang, S.Y. The configuration approach of capability renewal, slack and the selection of alliance linkage. Asia Academy of International Business. 2016 Best Paper Finalist. (大會收錄)
- GU, Q & Lu, L.H. The Complexity of Agency Problems in Public Family Business and Its Implications for Performance. 2016 IACMR Best Conference Macro Paper Award. (大會收錄)
- Gu, Q & Lu, L.H. Exploring the Performance Implication of Multi-Agency Problems among Public Family Businesses. AOM Best Papers Proceedings, 2013 BPS. (大會收錄)
- Lu, L.H. & Wong, P. K. Financial Slack, Board Composition and the Explorative and Exploitative Innovation of Firms. AOM Best Papers Proceedings, 2012 TIM. (大會收錄)
- Lu, L.H., Wong, P. K. & Fang S.C. The Effect of Performance Feedback and Financial Slack on the Exp