Chuang-Min Chao Office : Room 1021, Hong-Yue technology Research Building <Lab Introduction> <Lab Website> |
研究領域 Research Area
- 經濟學 (Economics)
- 財務金融 (Finance)
- 投資人行為(Investor Behavior)
- 公司治理(Corporate Governance)
- 經營績效分析 (Operation Efficiency Analysis)
- 財金計量分析(Econometrics in Finance)
學歷 Education
- 美國羅徹斯特大學 經濟學博士 1998
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Rochester, NY,1998 - 美國羅徹斯特大學 經濟學碩士 1995
Master in Economics, University of Rochester, NY, 1995 - 國立台灣大學 國際貿易學士 1991
Bachelor in International Trade, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 1991 - 台北市立北一女中 1987
Taipei First Girls High School, Taiwan, 1987
學術經歷 Academic Appointments
- 國立台北科技大學 經營管理系,專任副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, National Taipei University of Technology (2012/02~Now)
- 兼 高階管理碩士雙聯學位學程(美國德州大學UTA與北科大),班主任 Director, Dual EMBA Degree Program (University of Texas Arlington & Taipei Tech), (2019/02/01~2019/07/31)
- 國立台北科技大學 經營管理系,專任助理教授 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, National Taipei University of Technology (2002/08~2012/01)
- 銘傳大學 財務金融學系,專任助理教授 Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, Ming Chuan University (2001/02~2002/07)
- 台灣綜合研究院 研一所,副研究員 Associate Research Fellow, Division One, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (1998/10~2001/02)
授課科目 Courses Taught
- 研究所:財務管理、合併與購併專題、企業經營績效模型分析、財金計量研討
Graduate: Financial Management, Merge & Acquisition, Business Operation Efficiency Analysis, Econometrics in Finance - 大學部:經濟學(中英雙語)、財務管理
Undergraduate: Economics (Chinese and English), Financial Management - IMBA: 財務管理(英文)
IMBA: Financial Management (English)
國際期刊論文發表 Publications in International Journals
- Chao, C.M., Ho, C.H. (2019, Jul).The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Abnormal Return: Mergers and Acquisitions Events. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research,8(3),1-23..(Econlit, Google Scholar).RIBER Best Paper Prize.
- Chao, C.M., Yu, M.M., Hsiung, N.H., and Chen, L.H. (2017, Apr). Profitability efficiency, marketability efficiency and technology gaps in Taiwan’s banking industry: meta-frontier network data envelopment analysis. APPLIED ECONOMICS, Vol 50, Issue 3, Page 233-250. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2017.1316827. (SSCI).
- Chao, C.M., Yu, M.M., Lee, Y.T., and Hsiao, B. (2017, Mar). Measurement of Banking Performance in a Dynamic Multiactivity Network Structure: Evidence from Banks in Taiwan. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, vo.53, Issue 4, Page 786-805. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1540496X.2016.1141649 (SSCI Impact factor, 189/347, Economics).
- Chao, C.M.,Yu, M.M., and H.N. Wu. (2015, Mar). An Application of the Dynamic Network DEA Model:The Case of Banks in Taiwan. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 51:sup1, S133-S151. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1540496X.2014.998887 (SSCI Impact factor, 186/344, Economics).
- Chao, C. M., Lee, J.D., and Wu, W.S. (2015, Feb). Using Gray Relation Analysis and TOPSIS to Evaluate the Financial Performance of Taiwan’s TFT-LCD Industry. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, Vol.8, No.1, pp.83 - 108. (EI).
- Chao, C.M., Yu, M.M., and, Hsiung, N.H. (2015, Feb). A study of conversion effect of International Financial Reporting Standards - Evidence from Taiwan’s banking sector of Financial Holding Company. International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, v.7, no.1, p. 62-81.
- Chen, M.C., Chao, C.M., and Wu, K.T. (2012, May). Pattern Filtering and Classification for Market Basket Analysis with Profit-Based Measures. Expert Systems, v.29, no.2, pp.170-182. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0394.2010.00570.x (SCI Impact factor, 53/100, Computer Science, Theory & Methods). NSC 95-2416-H-009-034-MY3.
- Kuo, R.J., Chao, C.M., and Chiu, Y.T. (2011, Jan). Application of particle swarm optimization to association rule mining. Applied Soft Computing, 326-336. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2009.11.023 (SCI Impact factor, 16/99, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications).
- Chao, C.M., Yu, M.M., and Chen, M.C. (2010, Jun). Measuring the Performance of Financial Holding Companies. The Service Industries Journal, vol30, 6, pp.811-829. https://doi.org/10.1080/02642060701849857 (SSCI Impact factor, 81/144, Management). NSC 95-2416-H-009-034-MY3.
- Hsu, C. L., Chen, M. C., Chang, K. C., and Chao, C. M. (2010, Apr). Applying Loss Aversion to Investigate Service Quality in Logistics: a Moderating Effect of Service Convenience. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, vol30, 5, pp.508-525. https://doi.org/10.1108/01443571011039605 (SSCI Impact factor, 51/144, Management). NSC 95-2221-E-009-361-MY3.
- Kuo, R.J., Chao, C.M., and Liu, C.Y. (2009, Jan). Integration of K-means Algorithm and AprioriSome Algorithm for Fuzzy Sequential Pattern Mining. Applied Soft Computing Journal, vol 9, pp.85-93. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2008.03.010 (SCI Impact factor, 11/95, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications).
- Chao, C.M. (2008, Sep). The Threshold Analysis of the Outside Board, Firm size, and Corporate Values in Taiwan. The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, pp.126-131. (ABI).
- Chao, C.M., and Wang, C.C. (2006, Dec). Threshold analysis of the relationship between non-operating income and corporate value: Evidence from Taiwan. Journal of Comparative International Management, v.9, no.2, p.103.
中文期刊發表 Publications in Chinese Journals
- 趙莊敏、李俊德(2009),金融海嘯衝擊下政府如何協助中小企業解決資金困境之探討。新竹教育大學人文社會學報,第2卷,第2期,p.203-p.227。
- 趙莊敏,林培茵(2008),共同行銷效益與公司治理變數對金融控股公司經營績效之影響─二系統DEA與超級效率DEA模型之應用。台北科技大學學報。
- 趙莊敏、李俊德(2008),金融環境變遷下中小企業融資輔導措施之調整。,第7期,p.195-p.220。
- 趙莊敏,戴德昇(2006),台灣股權結構、董事會特性與其經營成本效率之相關性研究。台灣金融財務季刊,3期,p.95-p.125。
- 陳欽奇,趙莊敏(2001),美國金融產業整合趨勢與花旗集團經營策略分析。台灣土地金融季刊,第38卷,第3期,137-166。
- 趙莊敏,沈英明,李儀坤,吳再益(2001),金融控股公司相關政策法規之研究及台灣未來之展望。立法院院聞月刊,第29卷,第4期,31-44。(SCI)。
- 陳欽奇,趙莊敏(2001年03月)。金融機構合併法對金融業的影響及其因應之道。台灣土地金融季刊,第38卷,第1期,151-168。
- 趙莊敏(1999年12月)。日本金融發展之簡介。台研金融與投資,第22期,34-36。
國際研討會論文發表 International Conference Presentation
- Chao, C.M., Huang, L.C. (2019, Jun). Discussion on the Correlation between Intellectual Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Performance During Growth and Recession – by Quantile Regression Analysis. ISER International Conference on Economics and Business Research (ICEBR-2019),Jeju Island, South Korea.
- Chao, C. M., Tsai, M. H. (2019, Jun). A Study on the Relationship Between the Corporate Ownership Control Abilities and Debt Ratio - Quantile Regression Analysis. ISER International Conference on Economics and Business Research (ICEBR-2019), Jeju Island, South Korea.
- Chao, C.M., Yu, M. M., Shen, L.Y. (2019, Jun). The Efficiency Evaluation of Taiwan Security Companies before and after the 2018 Financial Crisis: An Application of Metafrontier Malmquist Productivity index. ISER International Conference on Economics and Business Research (ICEBR-2019), Jeju Island, South Korea.
- Chao, C. M., Yu, M. M., Yang, R.S. (2019, Jun). Analysis of the Efficiencies of securities Companies in Taiwan : Using Value-Based Convex and Non-convex Metafrontier Approach. ISER International Conference on Economics and Business Research (ICEBR-2019), Jeju Island, South Korea.
- Chao, C. M., Chen, Y.W. (2017, Jun). Earnings Management between Family Firms and Non-Family Firms. International Congress on Banking, Economics, Finance, and Business (BEFB 2017), Kyoto, Japan.
- Chao, C.M., Chien, T.W. (2017, Jun). The Effect of Rating Reports of Foreign Institutions and Corporate Governance on the Trading Behavior of Investors Under different Monitoring Indicators. Universal Academic Cluster International June Conference(UAC) in Bangkok, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Chao, C.M., Kuo, Y.M. (2017, Jun). Threshold Analysis of the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Mutual Fund Performance. Universal Academic Cluster International June Conference (UAC) in Bangkok, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Chao, C.M., M.M. Yu, Lin, T.Y. (2017, Jun). Intellectual capital and Performance in Asia Life Insurance Industry. International Congress on Banking, Economics, Finance, and Business (BEFB 2017) , Kyoto, Japan .
- Chao, C.M., Wu, S.W., Chiang, C.H. (2017, Jun). An Analysis of Individual Stock Rating and Trading Behavior of Foreign Investors. Universal Academic Cluster International June Conference(UAC) in Bangkok, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Chao, C.M., Yu, M.M., Chen, H.Y. (2017, Jun). Value-based Metafrontier Approach on the Operational Efficiencies of Securities Companies in Taiwan and Foreign Countries . International Congress on Banking, Economics, Finance, and Business (BEFB 2017) , Kyoto, Japan .
- Chao, C.M., Yu, M.M., Hsiung, N.H., Chen, L.H. (2016, Nov). Profitability Efficiency, Marketability Efficiency and Technology Gaps in Taiwan’s Banking Industry: Meta-Frontier Network Data Envelopment Analysis. 2016 Asia Economic Community Forum (AECF 2016), Incheon, Korea.
- Chao, C.M., Wu, S.W., Yu, Y.T. (2016, Jul). An Empirical Study on the Investor Overconfidence of China Stock Market. 2016 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2016), Nagoya, Japan.
- Chao, C.M., Wu, S.W., Hsu, Y.S. (2016, Jul). The Effect of Rating Reports of Foreign Institutions on the Trading Behavior of Investors in the Bear Market or Bull Market. 2016 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2016), Nagoya, Japan.
- Chao, C.M., Yu, M.M., Hsu, S.Y. (2016, Jul). Profit Efficiency, Technical Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency of Financial Institutions in Taiwan under the Non-Fully Competitive Market: The Metafrontier Approach.. 2016 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2016), Nagoya, Japan.
- Chao,C.M.,Yu, M.M., Chang, Y,J. (2016, Jul). Operational Efficiency of Financial Institutions in Taiwan using Value-based Measurement.. 2016 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2016), Nagoya, Japan.
- Chao, C.M., Yu, M.M., Lin, C.Y. (2015, Jul). The Operational Efficiencies of Securities Firms in Taiwan and East Asia –Three Stage DEA with Metafrontier Model. 2015 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2015), Macau.
- Chao, C.M., Yu, M.M., Lin, J.K. (2015, Jul). Financial Performance and Corporate Social Performance of the Securities Companies in Taiwan. 2015 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2015), Macau.
- Chao, C.M., Yu, M.M., Peng, Y.F. (2015, Jul). The Optimum Portfolio of Mutual Fund Investment -An Application of MVS Model. 2015 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2015), Macau.
- Chao, C.M., Yu, M.M., Yeh, Y.J. (2015, Jul). A Metafrontier Analyze Financial Institutions in Taiwan on Profit efficiency, Technical efficiency and Allocative efficiency. 2015 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2015), Macau.
- Chao, C. M., Yu, M. M., Hsiung, N. H. (2014, Sep). The Impact on Taiwan’s banking sector of financial holding company of IFRS adoption – A Network SBM approach. International Conference on Advances in Management Engineering and Information Technology (AMEIT2014), Hong Kong.收錄於EI 國際研討會論文集,WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies(EI)(ISSN: 1743- 3517).
國內研討會論文發表 Local Conference Presentation
- 趙莊敏,游明敏,楊瑞新,留浩洋(2019年07月)。以價值為基礎的凸性及非凸性共同邊界模型分析台灣證券業之經營績效。2019年生產力與效率學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 趙莊敏,游明敏,沈玲儀,留浩洋(2019年07月)。以麥氏生產力指數結合共同邊界模型探討2008金融海嘯前後台灣證券業之績效變化。2019年生產力與效率學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 連國利、趙莊敏(2013年06月)。資料包絡分析法在我國工業電腦經營績效之應用與分析。2013經營管理與國際企業研討會,台北,台灣。
- 熊南欣,趙莊敏,游明敏,胡同來(2012年07月)。我國企業導入IFRS對財務績效的影響-資料包絡法分析。2012生產力與效率學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 趙莊敏、游明敏、陳銘宏(2011年12月)。共同基金績效與基金集中度指標之關聯性研究─MVS模型與受限制分位數迴歸的應用。台灣效率與生產力學會年會論文集,新北市,台北大學。
- 趙莊敏、賴精弘(2009年06月)。員工紅利對企業經營績效影響之探討─DEA、Malmquist 之應用。2009商業管理研討會,台北,台灣。
- 趙莊敏、曾富蘚(2008年05月)。某證券商各分公司經營績效之研究—DEA之應用。2008商業管理研討會,台北,台灣。
學術榮譽 Academic Honors
- 106學年度榮獲管理學院 傑出教學獎
2017 Excellent Teaching Award, College of Management - 105學年度榮獲全校傑出教學獎
2016 Excellent Teaching Award, Taipei Tech - 105學年度榮獲國立台北科技大學 優良導師獎2016
Excellent Advisor Award, Taipei Tech - 105學年度榮獲經營管理系 傑出教學獎
2016 Excellent Teaching Award, Department of Business Management - 103學年度榮獲國立台北科技大學 優良導師獎2014
Excellent Advisor Award, Taipei Tech - 100學年度榮獲管理學院 傑出教學獎
2011 Excellent Teaching Award, College of Management - 99學年度榮獲經營管理系 傑出教學獎
2010 Excellent Teaching Award, Department of Business Management - 99學年度榮獲管理學院 傑出教學獎
2010 Excellent Teaching Award, College of Management - 98學年度榮獲國立台北科技大學 優良導師獎
2009 Excellent Advisor Award, Taipei Tech - 98學年度榮獲經營管理系 傑出教學獎
2009 Excellent Teaching Award, Department of Business Management - 95學年度榮獲經營管理系 傑出教學獎
2006 Excellent Teaching Award, Department of Business Management - 94學年度榮獲國立台北科技大學 優良導師獎
2005 Excellent Advisor Award, Taipei Tech - 94學年度榮獲經營管理系 傑出教學獎
2005 Excellent Teaching Award, Department of Business Management - 94學年度榮獲管理學院 傑出教學獎
2005 Excellent Teaching Award, College of Management