Yu-Lun Liu Office : Room 1123, Hong-Yue technology Research Building <Lab Introduction> |
研究領域 Research Area
- 行銷管理 (Marketing Management)
- 網路行銷 (Internet Marketing)
- 廣告 (Advertising)
- 共享經濟 (Sharing Economy)
學歷 Education
- 英國曼徹斯特大學商學院 管理科學與行銷學博士 2016
Ph.D. in Management Science and Marketing, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, 2016 - 國立臺北科技大學 商業自動化與管理所碩士 2008
MBA in Business Administration, Department of Commerce Automation and Management, College of Management, National Taipei University of Technology, 2008
學術經歷 Academic Appointments
- 助理教授 Assistant Professor (9/2019-Now)
國立臺北科技大學, 台北市, 台灣
National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan - 助理教授 Assistant Professor (8/2017-8/2019)
肯特大學, 肯特伯雷, 英國
University of Kent, Canterbury, UKn - 助理教授 Assistant Professor (9/2015-7/2017)
考文垂大學, 考文垂, 英國
Coventry University, Coventry, UK
國際期刊論文發表 Publications in International Journals
- Ko, Y-C, Zigan, K., and Liu, Y. -L.* (2021), “Carbon capture and storage in South Africa: A technological innovation system with a political economy focus”. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 166, 120633. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120633 [SSCI, IF = 5.856, Q1 in Social and Behavioral Sciences]
- Appiah, G.*, Amankwah-Amoah, J., and Liu, Y. -L. (2020, Early Access), “Organizational Architecture, Resilience, and Cyberattacks”. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, In Press. https://doi.org/10.1109/TEM.2020.3004610 [SSCI, Impact factor: 2.784, Q3 in Social and Behavioral Sciences]
- Liu, Y. -L.* (2020), “Providing more or less detailed information in job advertisements – Does it matter?”. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 28(2), 186-199. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijsa.12281 [SSCI, Impact factor: 1.200, Q4 in Social and Behavioral Sciences]
- Karimi, S. and Liu, Y. -L.* (2020), “The differential impact of “mood” on consumers’ decisions, a case of mobile payment adoption”. Computers in Human Behavior, 102, 132-143. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2019.08.017 [SSCI, Impact factor: 5.003, Q1 in Social and Behavioral Sciences]
- Liu, Y. -L.*, Yuen, W. T., and Jiang, H. -L. (2019), “An experimental study of consumption orientations, environmental sustainability advertising and home-sharing adoption intentions”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(12), 4605-4627. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-12-2018-0968 [SSCI, Impact factor: 5.667, Q1 in Social and Behavioral Sciences]
- Hu, J., Liu, Y. -L.*, Yuen, W. T., Lim, M. K, and Hu, J. (2019), “Do green practices really attract customers? The sharing economy from the sustainable supply chain management perspective”. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 149, 177-187. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.05.042 [SCI, Impact factor: 8.086, Q1 in Engineering, Computing & Technology]
- Liu, Y. -L.*, Karimi, S., and Yuen, W. T. (2020), “Support your country and buy Chinese brands’- Would Chinese consumers buy it?”. Journal of Marketing Communications, 26(2), 130-144. https://doi.org/10.1080/13527266.2018.1466824
- Liu, Y. -L.*, Keeling, K. A., and Papamichail, K. N. (2018), “Maximising the credibility of realistic job preview messages the effect of jobseekers’ decision-making style on recruitment information credibility”. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(7), 1330-1364. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2016.1203347 [SSCI, Impact factor: 3.42, Q2 in Social and Behavioral Sciences]
- Liu, Y. -L.*, Keeling, K. A., and Papamichail, K. N. (2016), “An exploratory study of jobseekers' decision- making style, recruitment information source and organisational attractiveness”. Personnel Review, 45(6), 1403-1427. https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-11-2014-0250 [SSCI, Impact factor: 2.706, Q2 in Business]
- Liu, Y. -L.*, Keeling, K. A., and Papamichail, K. N. (2015), “Should retail trade companies avoid recruiting maximisers?”. Management Decision, 53(3), 730-750. https://doi.org/10.1108/MD-06-2014-0402 [SSCI, Impact factor: 2.723, Q2 in Social and Behavioral Sciences]
- Liu, Y. -L.*, and Keng, C. -J. (2014), “Cognitive dissonance, social comparison, and disseminating untruthful or negative truthful eWOM messages”. Social Behavior and Personality, 42(6), 979-995. https://doi.org/10.2224/sbp.2014.42.6.979 [SSCI, Impact factor: 0.548, Q4 in Social and Behavioral Sciences]
國際研討會論文發表 International Conference Presentation
- “The Study of Data Fusion for TV Viewership Across Various Media”, International Choice Modelling Conference 2019, Kobe, Japan, August 19-21, 2019.
- “The impact of website design on visitors’ intentions to support an NPO: The moderated mediation role of need for social status”, Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research Conference, Osaka, Japan, July 2-3, 2020.
- “Re-evaluating customer feedback: The gap between online product ratings and the expressions of sentiment in review contents”, 2019 International Conference on Systematic Innovation (ICSI 2019), Liverpool, UK, July 8-11, 2019 [Excellent Presentation Award]
- “From product-centric to customer-centric”, BAM Conference, University of Kent, Kent, UK, July 20-21, 2019
- “The impact of consumer mood on use of mobile payment”. Association for Consumer Research, ACR Latin America Conference, Javeriana-Cali, Colombia, July 6-8, 2017.
- “An exploratory study of the moderating effect of co-creation between consumer involvement and brand attitude on consumer buying intention”, Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research Conference, Osaka, Japan, July 2-3, 2015.
- “Co-creation, consumer involvement and brand attitude: A case study of Nike China”, The 4th European Business Research Conference, London, UK, April 9-10, 2015.
- “Should retail trade companies avoid recruiting maximisers?”, Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research Conference, Hong Kong, September 27-28, 2014. [Best Paper Award]
- “Satisfying maximisers’ and satisficers’ information needs through the design of advertisements in the retail trade”, The 26th International Business Research Conference, London, UK, April 7- 8, 2014.
- “Recruitment information, source, and organisational attractiveness: The role of jobseekers’ decision-making style”, Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change (CERIC) Conference, Leeds, UK, May 7, 2012.
專題演講 Other Public Presentation
- Current International Communication and Adverting Marketing, Dec 12, 2016.
- Influencer Marketing, Nov. 21, 2018.
產學合作計畫 Industry-Academic Cooperative Research Project
「智慧物聯感測漁業-實現於雲林口湖鄉」,國立臺北科技大學社會責任實踐計畫,108-110, 90萬, 計畫協同主持人
國科會計畫 MOST Projects
- 「以個人社會地位的需求程度作為干擾中介變數探討網站設計與使用者對於非營利組織支持意願的影響」, 科技部專題研究計畫, 計畫主持人, MOST 108-2410-H-027 -023 - 108/10/01-109/09/30
- 「品牌延伸契合與顧客啟發: 品牌熟悉與內隱信念之干擾效果研究」, 科技部專題研究計畫, 計畫主持人, MOST 109-2410-H-027 -011 - 109/08/01-110/07/31
論文審查 Professional Activities
- International Journal of Human Resource Management
- Basic and Applied Social Psychology
- Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
- Journal of Consumer Behavior
- British Journal of Management
- Resources, Conservation and Recycling
- Information Technology and Management
- Electronic Commerce Studies
- International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy
- 管理學報 Journal of Management and Business Research
學術榮譽 Academic Honors
- 國立臺北科技大學109年優良導師
- 指導大學部同學陳映蒨、莊于萱與王亭茵獲信義房屋企業競賽,最佳提案獎, 2020.
- 指導大學部同學吳曉禪、許晨歆、林晉戎與顧嘉欣獲信義房屋企業競賽,最佳提案獎, 2020.
- Pg. Cert. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (PGCHE), awarded from Coventry University (2018)
- The best Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) award of the academic year, The University of Manchester, 2014
- Certificate in Cambridge EMI Skills
- Member of British Academy of Management (BAM)
- Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA)